HVAC Services

In 1992, Air Conditioning, Inc. was added to our family. We recognized an opportunity to better serve our clients by providing a full spectrum of mechanical services under one roof.  We have always focused on client success and realize that long-term relationships are built one project at a time.  

Our knowledge and passion is something you can all expect and count on. We invest in our staff through professional development and advancement in order to continuously stay ahead of potential project challenges.  We have extensive experience in specialized mechanical systems focused on performance and sustainability.  Our in-house professionals are extremely qualified to handle complex projects including those that strive for industry leading sustainability.  Our 1932 Observatory renovation project transformation into a new laboratory building project was one of only a few to earn a LEED Platinum certification.




For more information on HVAC:


Harvey Mudd College New Residence Hall

Harvey Mudd College New Residence Hall

Pomona Valley Hospital Pavilion

Pomona Valley Hospital Pavilion

Claremont Roberts Pavilion

Claremont Roberts Pavilion

SBVC Central Plant

SBVC Central Plant